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May 26, 2009

Lowongan Kerja Taxation Officer


We are one of leading multinational company in power transformers. Our group operates in five continents with sales turn over more than USD 1.5 billions. Due to business expansions & to increase our services in Indonesia, we invite professionals & dynamic person to fill the position of:

Taxation Officer
(Jawa Barat - Cileungsi - Bogor)


* Having 3 to 5 years related experience as tax auditor from reputable Public Accountant, Minimum Diploma Degree in Taxation, Good computer knowledge, Fluent in English both oral and writing.
* Willing to be located in Cileungsi-Bogor.

Excellent career prospect and an attractive remuneration scheme commensurate with experience and ability will be offered to the right candidate.

Please submit your comprehensive resume to:

Whisnu.Triatmoko@ pauwels.com
Best Regards,
Aulia Yunidar
PT. Indomonang Jadi
Phone : 797 6318

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