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Jun 9, 2009

Info Lowongan Paiton

Construction of state-owned enterprise (Paiton) in Probolinggo require some labor quality as:

I. Super Intendent / r Superviso Foreman (CODE POSITION: SIM)


a. Male age max. 50 years
b. D3 or high school education with experience of 5 years for the same position
c. Have leadership skills
d. Assertive and responsible
e. Able to work under pressure
f. English passive


a. Male age max. 45 years
b. Education min. STM civilian with experience min. 1 year positioned the same
c. Adept at using AutoCad program
d. Able to work under pressure and the dead line
e. Able to read and analyze images
f. Experienced in making a bar bending schedule / bestat
g. English Passive
h. initiatives

III. Engineer (CODE TITLE: Engr)


a. Male age max. 40 years
b. Education min. S1 in Civil Engineering
c. Experience min. 5 years in the same
d. Active and Passive English

Benefit from the company:
1. salary

2. Health and Social Security benefits

3. residence

4. Meal (3 times a day)

For those interested to submit an application and complete CV with recent photo to: adeswandi @ dutagriya sarana.com and ayu @ dutagriyasarana. Com, no later than until 20 June 2009.

Include the job code you are interested in your email subject.

All incoming applications will be kept confidential and only applications that meet the qualifications to be processed.

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