Career Brantas Abipraya PT
Abiprayahas grown and developed to become a sound and
stable Construction
Since of the outset, our well-trained professionals working in big
irrigation projects, have been invaluable asset whose skill and expertise
are continuously developed passing from the older to the younger
professionals working in the company.
Now the company is known as reliable general contractor handling not only
irrigation projects, but also has executed several big projects located
throughout the country, i.e. big dams, tunnels, road and bridges,
airfields, electric plants and many others.
*Pegawai Magang*
Kualifikasi :
- Minimal Pendidikan SMKN Pembangunan dengan Program Keahlian: Gambar
Bangunan, Konstruksi Batu & Beton, Instalasi Pemanfaatan Tenaga
Listrik/Electrical dan atau sejenisnya.
- Memahami Sistem kerja & Metode Kerja bidang konstruksi.
- Berani, Jujur, Rajin dan Teliti dalam mengerjakan sesuatu.
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah dan Cabang di Indonesia.
- Batas Waktu : 12 Oktober 2013
Sarjana :
*Pegawai Management Trainee*
Persyaratan :
- Pria/Wanita, berusia maksimal 26 tahun dan belum menikah.
- Berijazah strata satu (S1) Teknik (IPK: 2,75) dengan jurusan:
- Sipil
- Pengairan
- Elektro
- Berijazah strata satu (S1) Ekonomi (IPK: 3,00) dengan jurusan:
- Akuntansi
- Manajemen Keuangan
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja di Indonesia.
- Batas Waktu : 6 Oktober 2013
Berpengalaman :
*Accounting Staff* (Base in Head Office: Jakarta)
- Preferably Male with maximum age 30 years old,
- Minimum Two (2) years of working experience in similar position as
Accounting officer or Staff.
- Undergraduate Degree (S1) in Accounting major with minimum CGPA Score:
2.75 (scale of 4.00).
- In depth understanding of PSAK,
- Computer literate,
- Integrity, accountability and highly committed type of person with
excellent personality, interpersonal and communication skill.
- Batas Waktu : 30 September 2013
*Electrical Engineer*
- Male/Female
- Candidate must possess Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering
- Minimum 2 years experience in similar position in the field of
irrigation and water construction especially in PLTM/PLTA
- Able to communicate in English (oral and written)
- Computer literate and familiar with Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Power
Point, Access), Autocad
- Good health condition
- Available for employment
- Batas Waktu : 30 September 2013
*Project Manager*
Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan S1 Teknik Sipil
- Berpengalaman Minimal 5 tahun di kontraktor sebagai Project Manager
dalam proyek skala sedang dan besar
- Memahami Sistem kerja & Metode Kerja bidang konstruksi
- Memahami Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2008 dan OHSAS 18001:2007
- Memahami Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja (K3)
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah Indonesia
- Aktif berbahasa Inggris secara baik lisan & tulisan
- Batas Waktu : 30 September 2013
*Surveyor Sipil*
Persyaratan :
- Pria, usia maksimal 45 tahun.
- Minimal STM / Sederajat, diutamakan Diploma jurusan Topography.
- Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun sebagai Surveyor Pengukuran di Proyek Sipil.
- Menguasai alat ukur (Theodolit, Waterpass)
- Memahami kalibrasi alat survey, mampu membaca gambar
- Memahami kaidah survey dan pengukuran dan trampil menggunakan
peralatan ukur T-nol, T-1 dan T-2, total station dan software survey
- Mampu melaksanakan perhitungan dengan menggunakan matematik dan
trigonometric serta pembuatan konversi system koordinat yang ada
- Menguasai computer minimal program Microsoft office.
- Menguasai program penggambaran autocad atau sejenisnya
- Memiliki Integritas/Kejujura n yang tiniggi dan suka menerima tantangan
- Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh Wilayah Indonesia
- Batas Waktu : 18 Oktober 2013
*Tax Staff* (Base in Head Office: Jakarta)
- Preferably Male with maximum age 30 years old,
- Minimum Two (2) years of working experience in similar position as Tax
officer or Staff.
- Undergraduate Degree (S1) in Accounting major with minimum CGPA Score:
2.75 (scale of 4.00).
- In depth understanding of Indonesia taxes regulation,
- Possess Brevet A & B certificates,
- Computer literate,
- Integrity, accountability and highly committed type of person with
excellent personality, interpersonal and communication skill.
- Batas Waktu : 30 September 2013
Segala proses penerimaan pegawai hanya melalui website resmi *PT Brantas
Abipraya (Persero)*
kami tidak melayani kiriman lamaran melalui sarana lain selain alamat
website dibawah ini dengan cara mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang telah
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