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Mar 29, 2014

Urgent Need Accounting Staff

Rekan rekan perusahaan tempat saya bekerja saat ini membutuhkan 2 orang staff Accounting dengan kualifikasi sbb : 1.Pendidikan D1-D3 Akuntansi/Keuangan/Perbankan 2.Pria/wanita 3.Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun 4.Mau belajar dan bekerja tekun Lamaran bisa di kirim via emal ke alamat hartono@ggindonesia.co.id Best Regard, Jamin Hartono HP 087 870 100 551 ...

Sep 30, 2013

Career Brantas Abipraya PT

*BUMN* , PT Brantas Abiprayahas grown and developed to become a sound and stable Construction Company. Since of the outset, our well-trained professionals working in big irrigation projects, have been invaluable asset whose skill and expertise are continuously developed passing from the older to the younger professionals working in the company. Now the company is known as reliable general contractor handling not only irrigation projects, but also has executed several big projects located throughout the country, i.e. big dams, tunnels, road and bridges, airfields, electric plants and many others. SMK : *Pegawai Magang* Kualifikasi : - Minimal Pendidikan SMKN Pembangunan dengan Program Keahlian:...

Lowongan BUMN PT KAI

*PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)* is the major operator of public railways in Indonesia. It is completely owned by the government (BUMN) and pays track access charges to the government. One of its subsidiaries, PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek, is operating electrified commuter service in Jakarta metropolitan area from August 14, 2008. PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa transportasi terbesar di Indonesia, yang mengutamakan profesionalisme dan kinerja, memberikan kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik Indonesia untuk berkarier sebagai pegawai operasional, pemeliharaan dan administrasi dengan persyaratan dan kriteria sebagai berikut : A. Kriteria Pelamar -...

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